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Acid Reducers

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Acid Reducer

People search for common questions like how to reduce uric acid, how to reduce acid reflux, how to reduce stomach acid, etc., to treat their conditions in the best possible way. In most cases, reducing uric acid and acid reflux in the body is manageable. Many people look for ways to reduce uric acid by taking acid-reducer pills to overcome the condition. On the other hand, some get confused about the two conditions: acid reflux and high uric acid. Both these conditions are different and require different treatment options.

Only a uric acid reducer is used to reduce uric acid levels in the blood, and the best acid reducer works well only when taken as prescribed. Another type of acid reducer is used for acid reflux which helps reduce stomach issues because of high acid content. Doctors prescribe acid-reducer medicine considering several factors to control the condition; therefore, consulting a doctor is important to know the right medicine to reduce acid reflux and the level of uric acid in your body. One can also reduce carboxylic acid content from the diet to help reduce acid levels. Continue to read more of such fast facts. 


Acid reducers for acid reflux

Acid reducers are drugs used to relieve the pain and irritation produced in the stomach due to high acid content. Acid neutralizers are also known as antacids that neutralize stomach acid. Antacids provide instant and short-term relief from the burning sensation due to acidity. Acid reducers are used for the treatment of various gastrointestinal conditions:

  • Peptic ulcer disease
  • Dyspepsia
  • Prevention of stress ulcers
  • GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease)

Acid reducers are medicines that are also known as H2 receptor antagonists. The H2 blockers must be taken by mouth, although some injectable forms are also available. The H2 blockers work by blocking the action of histamines on the stomach's parietal cells, thereby decreasing the amount of acid produced by the parietal cells on the stomach wall. Thus, the stomach juices are made less irritating. It relieves the symptoms of burning sensations in the stomach and esophagus.

Causes of Stomach Problems:

There are various causes of stomach problems. Common causes of acid reflux and other gastritis problems of the stomach are:

  • several food items are there that can cause stomach abnormalities, like citrus, tomatoes, chocolates, garlic, onion, and spicy foods
  • Being too much overweight
  • Eating large quantities of food especially spicy food
  • Drinking too much of alcoholic beverages and caffeinated drinks like coffee or tea
  • Being pregnant
  • Taking aspirin, ibuprofen and certain blood pressure medications
  • Too much smoking

Signs of stomach acidity and gaseous troubles of the stomach:

Some of the common symptoms of acid reflux are as follows:

  • Bloating
  • Heartburn
  • Hiccups
  • Nausea
  • Weight loss
  • Wheezing
  • Dry cough
  • Hoarseness or sore throat

You may or may not feel all the symptoms, but most of these symptoms are commonly felt by a patient suffering from stomach ailments.

Adverse effects of the problem:   

If acidity or GERD is not controlled, it can be complicated. The complications from uncontrolled acid reflux include oesophagitis, esophageal bleeding, ulcers, and barrettes oesophagus. There is an increased risk of esophageal cancer. Hence, treating and recovering from GERD or Acid reflux is necessary to avoid serious complications. 

Preventive Measures:

GERD or acid reflux can be prevented if you follow the tips given below:

     –   Avoid the consumption of spicy food

     –   Eat a smaller portion of food at a time

     –    Eat more fruits and vegetables

     –    Keep a gap between the last meal of the day and your sleep time

     –   Avoid stress and tension

     –    Avoid medicines such as NSAIDs and steroids

     –    Eat more fruit and vegetables etc.

     –    Reduce carboxylic acid; foods containing carboxylic acid may increase acid levels. These include vinegar, sour milk, apples, and citrus fruits (lemon, oranges,and grapefruits).

Myths and Facts:

  • Myth:Cut back on all proteins
  • Fact:You should not cut all proteins from your diet; you should only leave aside meat proteins. Having tofu, soy proteins, and foods like hummus is always ok.
  • Myth:Cut all kinds of caffeine, such as tea and coffee.
  • Fact:It is not necessary to cut the tea; you can always enjoy a cup of green tea or herbal tea

Diagnosis of Acid Reflux problem or GERD:

If you suffer from acid reflux problems two or more times a week, you must go to the doctor for a thorough checkup. The doctor will ask about the symptoms of the disease and will suggest a few tests, such as:

  • Barium swallow(oesophageal): to check the narrow oesophagus for any ulcers or problem
  • Oesophageal manometry
  • pH monitoring
  • Endoscopy to check any abnormality in the stomach and
  • A biopsy can also be done during endoscopy to check the samples of
    tissues under a microscope  

Treatment of Acid Reflux problem:   

Acid reflux is a typical condition that requires proper care of the stomach and what the person is eating. The treatment of acid reflux is done by using acid-reducer drugs. These acid reducers target the histamine receptor present in the stomach. The acid reducer drugs suppress gastric acid production in the stomach and maintain the acid concentration. This is how several acid-reducer drugs keep the heartburn away in someone suffering from acid reflux problems.

Various medicines for acid reflux, known as acid reducer medicines, are available online, so you can buy these drugs online.

  • Pantoprazole - Pantoprazole reduces the amount of acid that your stomach produces. It relieves heartburn symptoms, acid reflux disease and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GORD). It is also effective in preventing and treating stomach ulcers. Doctors usually ask to take pantoprazole once daily in the morning. You should start feeling better in 2 to 3 days, but pantoprazole may take up to 4 weeks to eliminate the symptoms. If symptoms do not improve after two weeks, consult a doctor before taking more pantoprazole. The acid reducer is not usually recommended during pregnancy. The medicine is not recommended for adults and children aged 12 years and over. Pantoprazole is unsuitable for some people who are allergic to acid reducers or have liver problems. Pantoprazole is sold under the brand names Pentaloc 40 mg, Pantocid 20 mg.
  • Famotidine -An effective remedy for individuals with acid reflux and heartburn. It is sold under the brand name. It works by reducing acid production. It is effective at treating:

     –   GERD occurs when acid in your stomach backs up into your oesophagus. This may lead to a burning sensation in the chest or throat, burping, or a sour taste in the mouth

     –   Duodenal ulcers- Part of your intestine where food travels when it leaves the stomach.

     –    Stomach ulcer

     –    Medical conditions where your stomach secretes excessive acid. These conditions include Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.

     –    Damage to the lining of your oesophagus.

  • Ranitidine - A prescription treatment for stomach and intestines ulcers that prevents recurrence after healing. It is effective in treating GERD and Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. The medicines are used to reduce the amount of acid your stomach makes. It relieves symptoms such as heartburn, stomach pain, cough that doesn't go away, and difficulty swallowing. One can take medicine before or after consuming food, usually once or twice daily. The duration of the treatment is usually based on the medical condition. The dose of children is based on body weight. For best results, follow your doctor's advice. Ranitidine is sold under the brand name Aciloc 150mg.
  • Pantoprazole and Domperidone -Sold under the brand Pantocid DSR, the combination of Pantoprazole and Domperidone treats gastrointestinal reflux disease and peptic ulcer disease by relieving the associated symptoms, including stomach pain, heartburn, irritation, or indigestion. The combination medicine works by neutralizing the acid in the stomach and promoting easy gas passage to reduce stomach discomfort.

Acid reducers for uric acid levels

Uric acid is a chemical compound considered a natural waste product released from the body after digesting certain foods containing purines. Purines are the chemical compounds in foods metabolized by the body and turned into uric acid. Uric acid is then filtered out of the blood by the kidneys. Excessive buildup of uric acid in the blood can lead to the formation of uric acid crystals in joints, ultimately giving rise to gout. Our body is capable enough to filter uric acid on its own, but sometimes, due to various reasons, it may not be able to excrete the extra uric acid; one of the reasons could be that your kidneys aren't eliminating it quickly enough.

Certain foods and beverages, chronic health conditions, and lifestyle conditions can also contribute to high uric acid levels in the body. Symptoms of high uric acid levels include blood in urine, joint pain, muscle aches, frequent urinary tract infections (UTIs), trouble passing urine, stiffness, and swelling and inflammation around joints. Excessive uric acid levels can affect your health in several ways. However, early diagnosis can help you treat it accordingly.

How to reduce uric acid?

Effective ways to treat high uric acid in your bloodstream include:

  • Reduce consumption of purine-rich food comprising different vegetables, meat, and seafood, which releases uric acid when digested. To avoid high uric acid, avoid pork, sardines, dried bean, turkey, mutton, scallops, fish and shellfish, mushrooms, cauliflower, veal, and pork.
  • Drink enough water. Drinking plenty of water helps you clear out your kidneys of uric acid and helps you get rid of all the toxins from your body.
  • Avoid consuming sugary foods and beverages, as such foods may eliminate uric acid levels in the body. Added sugars in foods and drinks can cause a rise in uric acid levels.
  • Maintain a healthy weight, as excessive weight can stop your kidney from discharging uric acid out of your body.
  • Eat more fibre-rich foods to help improve your digestion which further helps to balance your blood sugar which maintains a role in maintaining uric acid levels.
  • Avoid using medicines that cause high uric acid in the body.
  • Stress reduction helps you eliminate hyperuricemia (high uric acid levels).
  • A uric acid reducer can treat high levels of uric acid that you need to take as your doctor prescribes. Allopurinol is widely prescribed to treat high uric acid levels in the bloodstream. 

Steps to improve health:

  1. Several food items can relieve stomach acidity problems, like oatmeal, fennel, chicken and turkey, basil, parsley, asparagus, and rice.
  2. Some of the other points that you must keep in mind to avoid acid reflux are:

     –   Watch out for the kind of foods you eat and avoid eating acidity, causing food items such as caffeine, sodas, chocolates, onions, etc.

     –   Watch out for when you eat your meal; avoid keeping a gap of at least 2 hours between a meal and when you hit the bed.

     –    Eat slowly in smaller proportions

     –    Keep a record of things that causes you acidity in the stomach

  1. Avoiding smoking cigarettes can also help as smoking produces stomach
  2. Ditch the skin-tight jeans and wear clothes that do not put pressure on
    your stomach

The important things to know:

  1. Consult a doctor if heartburn lasts for more than three months
  2. Never take medicine continuously for more than 14 days
  3. While buying an OTC antacid or acid reducer, look for warning drugs
  4. Pregnant ladies should avoid the use of the drug to prevent any unwanted side effects and Complications during pregnancy
  5. Lactating or breastfeeding mothers should also avoid the intake of antacids and acid reducers, as the safety and efficacy of lactation are not determined.

What is the difference between acid reflux and heartburn?

Mild heartburn can be treated with antacids. If you take antacids more than several times a week, your doctor may need to examine you. Your heartburn could indicate a more severe problem like acid reflux.    

What causes Acid reflux?

The intake of highly acidic or fatty food is the most common cause of Acid reflux. Food like tomatoes, citrus fruits, onion, cheese, coffee, chocolate, peppermint, etc, often causes acid in the body.

What is the cause of heartburn?

There could be two possible causes that may make you feel a heart-burning sensation. One is overeating, which adds too much food to your belly. Another is excessive pressure on your stomach, often due to constipation, obesity, and pregnancy.

What are the symptoms of acid reflux disease?

Common symptoms of acid reflux include: Heartburn and regurgitation (bitter taste or sour acid backing up into your mouth or throat). Other symptoms are burping, bloating, nausea, chest pain, bad breath, hiccups etc.

What foods and beverages to avoid with acid reflux?

Anything acidic should be avoided. The worst foods and beverages to avoid acid reflux are coffee and tea, carbonated beverages, chocolate, peppermint, citrus fruits, tomatoes, alcohol, fried food, and late-night snacks.

Could certain medications be causing GERD?

Yes, some common medications can cause acid reflux and heartburn. Certain pain relievers (Ibuprofen, aspirin) and other common drugs (osteoporosis medications, antibiotics, anti-anxiety drugs, antidepressants, high blood pressure medicines and iron supplements) can trigger the symptoms of acid reflux.  

Are lifestyle changes might help reduce symptoms?

Yes, lifestyle changes can help reduce reflux symptoms. Lifestyle changes involve dietary changes or changes in daily routine (Stop smoking, limit alcohol consumption, or drop a few pounds).

When to reach out for prescription treatment for heartburn or reflux?

Seek immediate medical help if symptoms become severe or frequently occur, for example, trouble swallowing food, vomiting blood or black color substance, severe stomach pain, passing bloody/black stool, or experiencing diarrhoea.

What are the complications associated with GERD?

When left untreated, acid reflux disease can lead to complications, which include:

  • Adult-onset asthma
  • Esophagitis (irritation, inflammation, or swallowing of the oesophagus)
  • Regurgitation of acid into the lungs
  • Ulcerations (bleeding)
  • Sinusitis

Is there any test to examine GERD?

Acid reflux disease depends on whether you experience complications in addition to the symptoms. There are three main tests used when GERD is suspected. These are:

  • Oesophageal pH Test: It is commonly used to help confirm the diagnosis of acid reflux disease or to identify the associated symptoms
  • Endoscopy: It determines the cause of heartburn
  • Manometry: It helps to identify problems with movement and pressure in the oesophagus that may lead to a burning sensation.

Who should not take pantoprazole?

The conditions contraindicated with this medicine include low magnesium in the blood, inadequate vitamin B12, diarrhoea from clostridium difficile infection, a broken bone, systematic lupus erythematosus, and kidney inflammation problems.

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