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Angina Pectoris Anti-Anginals

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What is Angina Pectoris?

Angina is also known as angina pectoris, which means squeezing the chest. It includes chest pain caused by insufficient blood flow to the heart muscles. The heart muscle works with the help of coronary arteries. If these arteries get narrower, the reduced blood flow means that the heart muscle receives less oxygen than it needs to function properly. Angina is often an indication of an impending heart attack. The severity of the heart attack depends on how many myocardial cells (muscles of the heart) are damaged or killed. Middle-aged and overweight male smokers are most at risk of angina.

What Causes Angina?

Angina pectoris occurs when your heart muscles do not receive sufficient blood and oxygen. It could be an indication of coronary artery disease (CAD). This develops when arteries that carry blood to your heart become narrowed and almost blocked. This may occur due to various conditions, including:

 • Hardening of arteries also known as atherosclerosi

 • A blood clots

 • Poor blood circulation through a narrowed heart valv

 • coronary artery spasm

 • Plaque is an artery that can rupture

 • Lessened pumping of the heart muscles

What are the risk factors for Angina?

Anything that causes your heart muscles to pump more blood or oxygen can lead to angina pectoris, especially if you have a blockage or narrowing of arteries. There are several risk factors for angina, including heavy metals, stress, physical activity, excessive alcohol intake, cigarette smoking, extreme cold or heat.

What are the symptoms?

Most reported symptoms of angina are:

 • Squeezing pain in the chest, usually under your breastbone

 • Cain that radiates to upper arms, neck, shoulders, jaw, or back

 • Tiredness

 • Weakness

 • Feeling faint

 • Shortness of breath

Angina can be resolved within a few minutes by resting or taking prescribed heart medicines such as nitroglycerin.

How is Angina Diagnosed?

Your doctor will ask about your medical history; usually, a physical examination occurs in such cases. You should tell your symptoms, how, and when they occur. Your doctor may perform the following tests:

  • Electrocardiogram (ECG): ECG issued to record the electrical activity of an individual’s heart. It shows abnormal rhythms, also known as arrhythmias. The device can detect heart muscle damage (if any).

  • Stress test: This test is done while running on a treadmill or pedalling a stationary bike. 

The test is performed to check an individual’s heart’s ability to function under stressful conditions (such as while exercising). Your doctor will also keep a close eye on your breathing and blood pressure levels. A stress test may be helpful to diagnose coronary artery disease. It may also help find safe exercise levels after a heart attack or heart surgery.

  • Cardiac MRI: The test is performed to look at blood flow to the heart muscles.

  • Coronary CT scan - This CT scan detects the amount of calcium and plaque inside the heart's blood vessels. It can also show blood circulation through the coronary muscles.

What are Anti-Anginals?

Heart attacks and strokes are the most common complications of angina. The risk of heart attack also increases if you have high blood pressure issues. Strokes occur when there is not enough blood supply that reaches the brain. Therefore, treatment is necessary to prevent heart complications. Antianginals are the medicines used to treat angina pectoris, a symptom of heart disease. So, the drugs used to relieve or prevent coronary insufficiency and related heart disease conditions are called antianginals. Angina results from a reduction in the oxygen demand ratio, therefore, it is necessary to improve the ratio to diminish the pain. Antianginals works by increasing blood flow and oxygen supply or preventing clot formation and associated decreases in blood flow. You can buy anti-angina drugs online at very cheap rates from various online pharmacies.

Treatment for Angina Pectoris:

Below are the drugs involved in increasing the oxygen supply to the heart while decreasing the demand for myocardial (muscles of the heart) oxygen. They help to maintain the overall balance of oxygen demand and supply. They include nitrates, beta-blockers, ace inhibitors and calcium channel blockers.

  • Nitrate drugs: Nitroglycerine (Angispan TR 2.5), isosorbide mononitrate act by producing vasodilatation in constricted blood vessels and facilitating smooth blood flow to the heart.

  • Beta-blockers: atenolol and propranolol are the drugs that aid in blood vessels relaxation. They reduce the effects of adrenaline and decrease the bp, which further relaxes the blood vessels and open them for the smooth blood flow to the heart.

  • Calcium channel blockers: amlodipine (Amlopres), diltiazem, and verapamil belong to this class. They block the voltage-dependent channels in vascular smooth muscle and heart, increase the blood flow to the heart, and prevent angina. They don’t allow platelets to get aggregated and form plaque-like structures in arteries.

  • ACE inhibitors: ramipril, lisinopril (Lipril) work by preventing fluid accumulation in the arteries by inhibiting angiotensin enzyme activity. This enzyme regulates the overall body fluid up and has protective effects on the heart.

  Buy these anti-angina medications at very cheap rates from various leading online pharmacies.

  Both angioplasty and coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) are commonly used to treat heart disease in severe cases.

  • Angioplasty: by angioplasty, medical professionals can open blocked or narrowed coronary arteries. During this process, a thin tube with a balloon or another device on end is threaded through a blood vessel to the coronary artery that is narrowed or blocked.

  • Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG): Healthy arteries or veins are taken from other areas in your body are used to bypass your narrowed arteries. Bypass surgery improves blood flow to your heart, relieve chest pain, and possibly prevent a heart attack.

What is the Prevention Technique Of Angina?

One can prevent angina may making certain lifestyle modifications that might improve signs and symptoms if you already have angina. These include:

  • A healthy diet

  • Regular physical activity

  • Introducing stress management technique

  • Keeping a healthy weight

  • Not smoking

  • Taking medications as prescribed

  • Treating diabetes, high cholesterol, blood pressure, and excess body weight

It is important to work with your doctor to treat heart problems, which causes angina. Take your medicines exactly as prescribed. Following treatment, a guideline is an important part of living with angina. Take nitro-glycerine on time and make sure you always have it with you. Also, take other medications as instructed.

What is angina, and what are its causes?

Angina is chest pain when enough blood supply doesn’t reach to part of your heart. It often indicates heart disease, and it happens when something blocks the arteries that bring oxygen-rich blood to your heart.  

What is coronary heart disease?

Coronary heart disease (CHD) is a type of heart disease where the arteries in the heart can’t deliver enough oxygenated blood to the heart. 

How is angina diagnosed?

Several tests are available to confirm whether you have angina. These include an electrocardiogram (test to check heart rhythm and electrical activity), a coronary angiography, an exercise ECG, and blood tests.

Does angina increase the risk of a heart attack?

Yes, if you have angina, a heart attack risk increases.

What medications are available to treat angina?

Several medications can improve angina symptoms. These include nitrates, beta-blockers, statins, aspirin, and calcium channel blockers.

How effective are anti-anginal?

Anti-anginal is extremely effective in controlling symptoms and improving exercise performance. They help to improve the quality of life of patients who are suffering from angina.

What are anti-anginal drugs used for?

An anti-anginal is a prescription drug used to treat angina pectoris, a symptom of heart disease. So, medications used for relieving or preventing conditions associated with coronary insufficiency and related heart diseases are called anti-anginal drugs.  

Are anti-anginals safe to use?

Anti-anginals are safe to use when used under the guidance of a doctor. They should not be used if a patient is already using medicines to treat high blood pressure in the lungs (pulmonary hypertension), have erection disease, anaemia, or glaucoma. Patients dealing with any heart disease should inform their doctors.   

Can you live a normal life with angina?

Yes, angina is a symptom, not a disease or condition. However, the symptom could indicate coronary artery disease, which means an increased risk of developing a heart attack. Appropriate medicinal treatment and essential lifestyle changes could help you live a normal life.

What are common anginal side effects?

Like any other medicinal agents, anti-anginal too can cause side effects. These include headache, nausea, dizziness, constipation, dry mouth, shortness of breath, blurred vision, blood in the urine, ringing in the ears, and vertigo.   

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