Anti Migraine

Anti Migraine
A migraine is a recurrent throbbing or a pulsing headache that typically affects one side of the head and is often accompanied by nausea and disturbed vision. During migraines, people become very sensitive to light and sound. Migraine headaches, often misdiagnosed as sinus or tension headaches are severe enough to interfere with sleep, work, and other everyday activities.
Migraine attacks can cause very high pain and intense throbbing sensation for hours, and the pain can be so severe that you can only think of a dark, quiet room or place to lie down.
In the US, about 12% of people suffer from a migraine. It is three times more common in women than men.
Causes of a migraine:
Although much is still unknown about the migraine causes, researchers feel that environmental factors and genetics play a very important role. They also believe that sometimes serotonin, an important part of the nervous system, plays an important role in migraines. Many things that can trigger migraine attacks are:
• Anxiety
• Stress
• Lack of sleep/food (hunger or dehydration)
• Exposure to light or sound
• Hormonal changes/birth control pills
• Allergy
• Exposure to smoke or smoking
• Drinks such as alcohol or caffeinated wine beverages can also trigger migraine attacks.
• Physical exertion or sexual activity can also trigger
• Foods such as chocolate, nuts, peanut butter, avocado, banana, citrus, onions, dairy products, etc.
• Changing weather conditions, including barometric pressure, humidity, and temperature
• Intense physical activity including exercise, lifting heavy objects, or sexual activity
Signs and Symptoms:
Recurrent severe headaches are the most common symptom, but the severity and duration may vary in individuals. The symptoms are:
• Stress and anxiety
• Medications: certain medications may increase your chance for migraines, such as oral contraceptives and vasodilators
• Sensitivity to light, sound, touch, or odors
• Hormonal changes
• Physical activity
• Nausea
• Vomiting
• Loss of appetite
• Fatigue
• Dizziness
• Pale or clammy skin
• Blurred vision
• Feeling uncomfortably hot or cold
There are four phases of a migraine:
• The prodrome occurs hours or day before a headache.
• The aura: immediately precedes a headache
• The pain: called the headache phase
• The postdrome: the effect followed the end of the attack
Adverse effects of the problem:
A migraine is a typical condition to face sometimes; certain complications may arise when we try to ease the migraine pain. These include:
• Abdominal problems
• Medication overuse problems
• Chronic migraine
• Persistent aura without infarction
• Migrainous infarction
Preventive measures:
Even if you are taking preventive medication, you can adopt certain lifestyle changes that can help to reduce the number and severity of migraines. Try to follow the below-given points:
• Avoid any triggers that may have triggered you in past
• Avoid problem foods and take protective foods
• Avoid caffeine
• Maintain regular sleep pattern
• Limit alcohol intake
• Manage stress with yoga /exercise
• Wear protective glasses to avoid heavy light exposure
• Avoid taking hormonal drugs
• Keep a headache diary
Common anti-migraine medicines:
Several doctors prescribe various anti-migraine medicines. You can easily order these anti-migraine products online from our site to avail best offers. Some common anti-migraine medicines that can ease migraine pain are as follows:
• Rizact- It contains the active ingredient Rizatriptan, which helps to relieve headache, pain, and other migraine symptoms, including vomiting, nausea, and sensitivity to light/sound. Rizatriptan, help you return to your normal routine and may decrease your need for other medications. Rizatriptan is classified under the drug category triptans serotonin (a natural substance responsible for causing narrowing of blood vessels in the brain. It relieves headaches by affecting certain nerves in the brain.
• Suminat- Suminat oral tablets are used to treat migraine headaches. They are effective in treating acute migraine headaches in adults. Suminat contains Sumatriptan which relieves the pain from migraine headaches. Many people taking sumatriptan tablets find that their headaches go away completely after taking the medication as advised by their doctors.
• Naprosyn- Naprosyn containing Naproxen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), which reduces certain hormones that cause inflammation and pain in the body. Doctors may prescribe Naprosyn to treat acute pain associated with a migraine.
• Imigran subject- Subcutaneous injection is used for the acute relief of migraine attacks, with or without aura. It is also effective in treating cluster headaches. The injectable drug should only be used when there is a clear diagnosis of migraine or cluster headaches.
Myths and Facts:
Myth: a migraine is just a bad headache
Fact: the truth is that a migraine is a disease, and headache is only a symptom. A headache may have several causes as it is a symptom of various problems.
Myth: a migraine is a psychological problem
Fact: a migraine is not a psychological problem; it is a neurological disorder.
Diagnosis of a migraine:
Diagnosing migraine is very important as it can often be confused with a headache. A common phenomenon or technique used by doctors to identify migraine is explained below:
5, 4, 3, 2, and 1” criteria “recommended by the international headache society to diagnose migraine without aura, it denotes:
• 5/more attacks
• 4 hours to 3 days in duration
• At least two unilateral locations
• At least one additional symptom such as nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light and sound
Along with the above, the doctor may recommend various tests to rule out the possible causes of pain with the tests such as blood tests, ECG/CT scan/MRI /spinal trap. These and many other tests may also be done to identify the case and check for other complications like internal brain bleeding, blood clot, stroke, tumor, etc.
Treatment of a migraine:
Migraine treatment focuses on avoiding triggers, controlling symptoms, and taking medicines. Anti-emetics may also be employed to avoid vomiting and nausea. Serotonin and antidepressants such as tricyclic are given in the case of a severe headache. Herbs and vitamins such as cannabis, butterbur, riboflavin, b12, and melatonin may also prove useful. Botulinum toxin (botox) is also considered a good option for these days.
An account of drugs employed to treat migraine headaches:
• Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs): These analgesics reduce pain and inflammation and may help relieve mild migraines headaches. Most are available in both over the counter and prescription dosages.
• Ergotamines: cause blood vessels to constrict and relieve migraine symptoms rapidly
• Triptans: they have several different effects on the brain and its blood vessels and can stop a severe migraine headache very rapidly in many cases.
You can buy these and several other anti-migraine medicines online and avail exciting offers from leading online pharmacies.
Steps to improve the health:
It is very necessary to handle the migraine with utmost care. To help the patient relieve these migraine attacks, a few herbal/home remedies for a migraine headache are:
• peppermint
• butterbur
• ginger
• lime, linden
• raw potato cuttings
• caffeine and black or green tea
• coriander seed
• lavender oil
• rosemary
Medications can help you reduce the severity and pain caused by migraine attacks. If you have taken a migraine medicine but are not feeling well, you can ask your doctor to change the drugs as they do not work for you. The doctor may suggest new anti-migraine medicines and suggest some self-help remedies and lifestyle changes. Order the best anti-migraine medicines online from our site today and avail the best prescription drugs at the lowest prices.
Eyelid edema (puffy eyelids) may occasionally be a migraine symptom. It develops in some patients during their most severe migraine episodes and may improve with the appropriate treatment for migraine. No evidence suggests antimigraine drugs cause edema.
There is currently no cure for migraine headaches. However, several treatments are available to provide symptomatic relief. Your doctor will recommend the best treatment for you. You require different combinations of drugs to find the most effective ones that help ease your symptoms.
No, there is no permanent cure for migraine. Many people with chronic migraine use a combination of treatments to find long-lasting relief. Some treatments help ease the pain and reduce the duration of attacks. Other medications prevent or reduce future attacks. These include:
Migraine is typically characterized by episodic disabling headache, though it is something more than just head pain. It is sometimes slow and then continues to progress as a continuous pulsating pain at the front or back side of the head or near the temples.
Hours or days before a headache, about 60% of people who have migraines notice symptoms like mood change, bloating, fatigue, severe thirst, constipation, and sensitivity to light, sound or smell. People with migraines with aura cause tunnel vision, ringing in ears, heavy feelings in arms and legs, tingling and numbness, and hallucinations.
There is no cure for migraine headaches. But antimigraine drugs successfully prevent or stop symptoms associated with the condition. Several medications were recently deemed the most effective for treating acute migraine, including Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), triptans, dihydroergotamine, and the combination medication of sumatriptan/naproxen and acetaminophen/aspirin. Discuss with your doctor to know what's best for you. Lifestyle modifications such as easing stress and good sleep habits can also improve your condition. You can also avoid triggers that initiate a migraine attack.
Migraine happens. The good news is you can do several simple things to ease your pain without visiting the doctor. If you get severe migraines, avoid the triggers, like specific smells, foods, and alcohol. To reduce migraine pain, you can try doing cool down, pinching your hands, having an orgasm, breaking away from screens, turning up the heat, aromatherapy, take your medication.
Symptoms of migraine aura include temporary or other disturbances that usually develop before other symptoms, such as headache, sensitivity to light/sound, or nausea. Visual aura is a common migraine aura characterized by temporary changes in your vision, such as flashing lights or zigzags.
A migraine headache feels like pulsating or throbbing pain near the temple area or one or two sides of the head. The extreme headache is often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound. Migraine headache is caused when certain chemicals are released around the brain's arteries. These chemicals increase vessels' size, resulting in a squeezing effect on the brain.