
Fungi are found everywhere; they live in the air, soil, plants, and water. Some live in the human body also. But only about half of all types of fungi are harmful. Fungi are a class of parasitic plants. A fungus causes fungal infection. The fungus multiplies and invades the skin and finally cause inflammation of the digestive tract, genitals and other body organs and tissues. Antifungal medicines are used to treat fungal diseases. Fungi mostly reproduce via tiny spores in the air. These spores can be easily inhaled, or they can land on you. As a result of which fungal infections occurs, these fungal infections usually start in the lungs or on the skin. People with a weak immune system or those on the antibiotics are at risk of getting infected by the fungal disease. Antifungal medicines are prescribed to treat fungal infections. While most fungal infections affect skin and nails, some can lead to serious conditions like pneumonia. There are several antifungal medicines available to fight fungal infections. In general, antifungal medicine directly kills the fungi or prevents fungal cells from growing and reproducing.
Causes of fungal disease:
Fungal infection mainly attacks those people who:
• Are extremely overweight
• Are pregnant or are breastfeedingAre on-course of antibiotics
• Have uncontrolled diabetesHave a weak immune system, for example, HIV/AIDS
• Came into direct contact with a person or an animal that has a fungal skin infection
• Came in direct contact with items contaminated with a fungus, for example, clothes and towels
Signs and Symptoms:
The signs and symptoms vary according to the site of infection of fungi. The common type of the sites and the infection symptom on them are given below:
• Superficial (Infection limited to the outermost layer of skin and hair)-
• Hypopigmented macules
• Black macules
• Crème-colored nodules on hair shaft
• Cutaneous (Infection limited to the deeper epidermis and as well as invasive hair and nail disease)
• Ringworm lesion of the scalp
• Ringworm lesion of trunk, arms, legs
• Infection of nails
• Infection of hair shaft surface
• Sub-cutaneous (Involving subcutaneous muscles and fascia)
• Nodules and ulcers along lymphatics at the site of injection
• Opportunistic (in patients with immune deficiencies who would otherwise not be infected)
• Creamy growth on various areas of the body
• "Fungus ball" in tissue
Adverse effects of the problem:
If not treated on time, the fungal disease can lead to a serious skin infection that might require special medical care. Although with proper medication, fungal diseases are treatable and have very little impact on the quality of life.
Preventive measures:
The best way to prevent fungal infections is to keep the skin clean and dry. Maintaining good hygiene and keeping the infected fungal things away from access is best to avoid fungal infection. If you get infected with fungal infections, it is necessary to wash your hands that contact the affected area to not transmit it to the other.
Common Antifungal medicines:
The following antifungal medicines are available online that are commonly used to treat fungal diseases:
• Candid cream
• Candid lotion
• Fluka
• Itaspor
• Nizral cream
• Nizol 200mg
• Sebifin cream 1%
• Zocon DT 100 mg
• Micogel 0.02
• Forcan etc.
These drugs can be found on various pharmaceutical websites, and you can buy these antifungal medications online through various online pharmacies.
Myths and Facts:
Myth: Ringworm is caused by a worm
Fact: Ringworm is not caused by a worm; it is a kind of fungal infection caused by a fungus called dermatophytes
Myth: Only children get ringworm
Fact: It is most likely to occur in children, but you can get infected with the fungus at any age.
Diagnosis of fungal disease:
The diagnosis of the fungal infections of the skin, hair, and nails can be made by examining the characteristic appearance of affected regions.
• If a more definitive analysis of the disease is required, then culture and sensitivity testing can be used
• Systemic fungal infections may easily be diagnosed using blood sample tests.
• KOH (potassium hydroxide) preparation is a simple laboratory test to confirm the diagnosis. The test uses tissue samples treated with a 20% potassium hydroxide solution to detect fungi.
• Examining the skin with a Wood's UV lamp is a new, easy and convenient method to determine the presence of a fungus.
• Confirmation is done by cultures taken from sputum, urine, blood, bone marrow or infected sample of tissues.
• Other tests are also done such as:
• Microscopy
• Blood test antigen
• X-ray scan
• Agar Culture
• DNA detection
Treatment for fungal diseases:
Commonly used antifungal drugs that prove to be helpful are:
• Ketoconazole: Used both as a topical agent in lotions and shampoos and given orally for systemic fungal infections.
• Fluconazole: It is effective against various fungal infections, including yeast infections of the mouth, throat, esophagus, abdomen, lungs, vagina, blood, and other organs. It also treats the membranes' infections that cover the brain and spine caused by the fungus.
• Amphotericin B: It is used for treating systemic fungal disease by slow intravenous injection. This drug can also be taken topically.
• Clotrimazole: A topical drug used in lotions and oral tablets
• Nystatin: It is very similar in composition to Amphotericin B but is used only as a topical drug because it is excessively toxic for systemic administration. It is not absorbed from the skin and oral membranes
• Griseofulvin: It is the static drug used only in the systemic treatment of dermatophytosis.
• Flucytosine: It is a synthetic antifungal drug given orally for systemic infections.
• Miconazole: Broad-spectrum agent applied topically and intravenously. Superior drug for systemic infections
These antifungal medicines are readily available to buy antifungal drugs online at very cheap rates.
Steps to improve the health:
Following tips can help you to cure a fungal infection faster and in a better way:
• Keep your body clean and dry
• Take a shower after sport or gyming
• Avoid wearing heavy and tight clothes in summer, wear breathable fabrics like cotton
• Avoid touching the infected area
• Keep your shoes dry to avoid any moisture build-up as it may invite a fungal infection
An important thing to know:
According to The Journal of investigative dermatology (2010), fungal infection is the fourth most common type of skin disease globally. A healthy diet should be maintained; a diet containing food high in yeast, such as beer, wine, bread, should be avoided. Antifungal herbs mentioned above should be liberally used in turmeric, garlic, etc. Food supplements like vitamin C, B complex C and E should be included in the daily diet.
There are a variety of antifungal medicines available. Each is effective in treating a certain type of fungal infection. You should consult a doctor before buying such medicines for your fungal infection. Your doctor may prescribe the best antifungal drug that helps to treat your condition most effectively.
Antifungal medicines are effective against fungal infections. They work by either killing the fungal cells or preventing fungal cells from growing or reproducing. These drugs mostly target the fungal cell and the fungal cell wall of the fungi that cause a fungal infection. Thus, treating the infection.
Antifungal drugs treat fungal infections that mostly affect your nails, hair, and skin. Most of these drugs are prescription-only drugs, so you should seek medical advice if you suspect you have a fungal infection. Some of them can be brought from a pharmacy without needing a prescription. But it is always wise to use an antifungal drug under a doctor’s supervision. This reduces the chances of recurrence of fungal infections and helps you get rid of the infection completely.
Antifungals are available in many forms depending on many factors. The type of infection an individual has will impact how they receive the drugs. The three main types of antifungal drugs are:
- Polyenes - They alter the wall of the fungal cells to be more porous, thus making it more likely to burst. Examples are nystatin and amphotericin B
- Azoles - Azole antifungals are the treatment options for fungal infections. The azoles can be classified into two groups namely the triazoles (itraconazole, fluconazole, voriconazole, isavuconazole, and Posaconazole) and the imidazole (ketoconazole)
- Allyamiens - These drugs cause the inhibition of the cell membrane required to operate correctly. Without this membrane, the cell can’t function.
Nystatin was the first successful antifungal antibiotic to be developed and is still in use. It belongs to Plyene class of antifungal agents. It promises broad-spectrum antifungal activity. It is limited to topical use where it has activity against yeasts such as the candida species. Griseofulvin is also an antifungal antibiotic produced by Penicillium griseofulvin. (
Fungal infections are commonly treated with antifungals. An antifungal pill gives you the best chance of curing a severe fungal infection. If you are already suffering from liver roe hart problems, you should avoid taking these pills. They can cause rare but life-threatening complications, including heart and liver failure. Stronger prescription medicines may work faster to treat your symptoms. Consult your doctor for the drug of choice for controlling your fungal infection quickly.
An antifungal treatment is safe when prescribed by your doctor. Do not use an antifungal agent for more than the recommended period advised by your doctor. Do not self-medicate. If you have symptoms, consult your doctor to get the best antifungal treatment that suits you.
Yes, there are some antifungal medicines that you can get over the counter. Anyone with a weak immune system may have a fungal infection and should contact a doctor immediately to get rid of the infection completely.
Rarely, antifungals may cause serious problems like liver damage, heart failure, or severe allergic reactions. Like any other medicine, antifungals may cause side effects that are usually mild and do not persist for longer. To avoid any side effects and serious complications associated with Antifungal agents, it is best to use these drugs under a doctor’s supervision.