Almost 24 million people in the United States suffer from diabetes. Life can be tough those who are struggling with the disease and are on diabetes medicines. Not many know that a little change in lifestyle and diet can go a long way. It is possible to control diabetes through diet. Coupled with exercise, a healthy diet can also prevent people from developing type 2 diabetes. Here’s a list of ADA-recommended super foods that are helpful in controlling diabetes.
- Beans: All types of beans, including kidney, black, navy, pinto, etc are high in calories. Furthermore, they are high in nutrients and fiber. Eating beans is not only healthy, but have a high satiety value, leaving you feeling full for a longer time.
Dark, green leafy vegetables: Green leafy vegetables are high in nutrients and low in carbs, as well as calories, which means it can be eaten freely without any worry of calorie count. Such vegetables include mustard greens, collard greens, spinach, kale etc.
- Citrus fruits: Citrus fruits such as grapefruit and orange have a lot of Vitamin C, which is heart-healthy. However, fruit juices should be avoided. Whole fruits are always best as the fiber content in them slows down the absorption of sugar, which thereby results in the citrus nutrients being taken by the body without increasing the blood sugar level. By maintaining a healthy blood pressure level in the body, citrus fruits help in controlling diabetes.
Related: 10 Common Diabetes Myths BUSTED!
- Sweet potatoes: Sweet potatoes don’t send the blood sugar soaring to the level of regular potatoes. They are rich in fiber and Vitamin A, and low in glycemic index.
- Berries: Unsweetened and whole strawberries, blueberries and other such berries are rich in vitamins, fiber and antioxidants. They can be consumed fresh and whole, or taken frozen for salads. Berries can also be added to your morning cereal bowl or made into refreshing smoothies.
Tomatoes: Tomatoes are low in calories. Tomatoes are rich in Vitamin E, iron and Vitamin C, which are all vital nutrients. They can be enjoyed in cooked or raw form. Tomatoes can be used in salads, casseroles, soups or as side dishes. They can also be boiled, sliced, steamed or stewed.
- Fish rich in omega 3s: Salmon, mackerel, herring, halibut and albacore tuna are some types of fish that are rich in omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3s strengthen the heart and also help in controlling diabetes. However, having fish in fried form is not advisable at all. Fried fish contains a lot of fat, hence eliminating the nutritive value of fish oil.
- Whole grains: Whole-grain bread, oatmeal and other such foods are rich in fiber and many nutrients including folatye, chromium, magnesium and omega 3s. Pearled barley, oatmeal, breads and other whole-grain foods are high in fiber and contain nutrients such as magnesium, chromium, folate and omega 3 fatty acids
- Nuts: Nuts may have a high fat content, but what is worth noting is that they are rich in what is termed as “good fat”. This type of fat, which includes omega 3 fatty acids, is heart-healthy. However, since nuts have a lot of calories, diabetes patients should limit themselves to eating only a small handful of notes every day. The ADA recommendation is 1.5 ounces of nuts a day.
- Fat-free yogurt & milk: Fat-free dairy items are rich in Vitamin D and, of course, calcium. Furthermore, they also help in fighting food cravings.
Learn how to control diabetes the right way. You can share this blog with friends who are living with diabetes, so they know the best food tips to follow.
Also Read: Fighting Diabetes With Chocolates, Berries And Wine!
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