If you have acid reflux, you are not alone; about 15 million people in the USA suffer from daily heartburn (a common symptom of acid reflux) each day. Healthy lifestyle changes are very useful in alleviating acid reflux symptoms and offer a stomach acid cure.
Acid reflux, also called gastrointestinal reflux disease (GERD), is a common gastrointestinal problem that develops when stomach acid rises into the esophagus through the lower esophageal sphincter. The lower esophageal sphincter is a band of muscle that acts as a protective barrier and protects against reflux material by contracting and relaxing. If this barrier is relaxed, reflux happens. Recurrence of reflux allows prolonged contact of stomach material with the esophagus and gives rise to symptoms of GERD. There are majorly four symptoms associated with the condition:
- Irritation of the lining of the esophagus by the stomach material
- Reduces esophageal sphincter pressure
- Delayed stomach emptying
- Abnormal clearance of esophageal acid
What causes acid reflux?
Acid reflux is characterized by symptoms and tissue damage that occurs due to repeated exposure of the lining of the esophagus to the gastric acid content or when stomach acid flows back up into the esophagus. Heartburn is a major symptom, often described as upper chest or abdomen discomfort. Symptoms of acid reflux, however, vary from person to person. Things that can cause acid reflux include:
- Foods and drinks – Fatty, acidic, or spicy foods and drinks can trigger acid reflux, i.e., coffee, chocolate, alcohol, tomatoes, and citrus products.
- Smoking – Nicotine in cigarettes relaxes the LES, allowing stomach acid to flow back up into the esophagus.
- Being overweight – Being overweight can contribute to acid reflux.
- Pregnancy – Hormonal changes during pregnancy are also one of the common reasons that contribute to acid reflux.
- Stress and anxiety –Access stress and anxiety can also cause acid reflux.
- Hiatal hernia – A condition where part of the stomach moves above the diaphragm.
- Lying down after eating –Lying down within three hours of eating can contribute to acid reflux.
The good news is that the symptoms of GERD can be reduced by adopting healthy lifestyle habits and following a balanced diet plan. The diet is very important for individuals with complications associated with acid reflux, including esophagitis or esophageal ulcers. A healthy diet is also essential for those people who experience heartburn. However, GERD requires a combination of dietary and lifestyle modifications as well as medications in moderate to severe cases. Talk to your healthcare specialist about stomach acid relief medications that may suit you. He will suggest acid reflux medicines that neutralize stomach acid.
- Dietary modifications and ways to treat acid reflux:
- Avoid large meals and eat slowly.
- Do not skip meals, and make sure that you eat a small meal or eat healthy snacks after every 2 to 3 hours. This may make you feel hungry more often because you are having a small meal. Do not worry; eating smaller foods will make your stomach empty faster.
- Always remember that large meals put extra strain on the lower esophageal sphincter and allow the stomach contents to enter the esophagus, contributing to pain and irritation.
- Decreasing total fat intake encourages weight loss to reduce acid reflux symptoms.
Choose foods that contain less fat. Fried foods and high-fat meals take longer to digest and may worsen reflux. Since obesity contributes to reflux, weight loss is suggested by a healthcare specialist to prevent reflux. A reduction in calorie intake and total fat will assist in weight loss. Even a small weight loss can make a huge difference.
- Limit or avoid taking the food items and beverages that give rise to acid reflux: chocolate, fried and fatty food items, onions, garlic, coffee, milk, alcoholic beverages, tea, and coffee containing caffeine, peppermint, or spearmint.
- Limit or avoid taking foods responsible for irritating damaged esophagus in case of flare-ups. Such foods include citrus fruits such as apple juice, orange juice, lemon, orange juice, pepper, chili pepper, and tomatoes.
- Carry food that supports heartburn and eat or drink the following whenever you feel stomach discomfort:
- Chewing gum
- Sucking lozenges or antacids
- Sweet pickles
- Drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water is one of the best stomach acid treatments. You can avoid many stomach problems, including acid reflux, by drinking adequate water.
- Avoid eating 3 to 4 hours before you sleep
Do not lie down right after having a meal. This action may increase pressure on the lower esophageal sphincter and stomach.
Make other essential lifestyle changes or adopt basic acid reflux remedies
- Exercise regularly
- Avoid or limit smoking and drinking alcohol
- Reduce stress
- Eat stomach acid cure foods, i.e., food effective in curing acid reflux: oatmeal, ginger, aloe vera, banana, melon, fennel, green vegetables, and fish.
Opting for the right diet and lifestyle eliminates many health issues, including acid reflux. Identify the best ways to create diet and lifestyle changes that suit you to prevent acid reflux treatment or medications.
For severe acid reflux complications, consulting a doctor is important before cosindering any medicine. He will best analyze your condition and prescribe acid reflux medicines to treat your condition.
Also Read: Tips to Prevent stomach ulcers