Home remedies to treat skin pigmentation

Skin pigmentation, especially hyperpigmentation on face is a common issue, and millions of people are affected by it. The harmful rays of the sun can worsen skin pigmentation. Therefore, it is best always to use sunscreen to avoid the pigmentation. Patients with severe pigmentation on their skin keep looking for the best treatment for hyperpigmentation. Keep reading this page if you are too looking for the best treatment for pigmentation on face or skin.

Sufferers can choose either of the options to get rid of hyperpigmentation: one is medicinal treatment, and the second is using natural home remedies to keep side effects at bay. The dermatologist can be consulted for hyperpigmentation treatment. He or she will examine your skin carefully before prescribing a medicinal-based pigmentation treatment. The second option, i.e., hyperpigmentation treatment at home, will be a natural one based on home remedies. Choose any of the options for your hyperpigmentation removal. To avoid medicines and its related side effects, home remedies can be tried first for skin pigmentation treatment; if it does not work well, you can approach a dermatologist anytime.

There are several home remedies to get rid of skin pigmentation. Let’s find out some of them below:

Home remedies for skin/face pigmentation treatment

Aloe Vera
Apply aloe vera gel or juice on the affected parts and leave it for 15 minutes. The herb contains mucilaginous polysaccharides that can work wonders to treat dark spots.

Turmeric powder
Make a paste with turmeric powder and milk and apply it all over the face. When it becomes dry, gently massage the face in a circular motion. Wash off with water after 20 minutes. This is one of the most effective natural pigmentation removal treatments.

Another remedy is to mix some lemon juice and turmeric powder and apply the paste on the affected parts. Leave it for 15 minutes. Wash off with water. Ensure you do not go out in the sun with this paste on your face.

Orange peel
Make a paste with orange skin and some milk. Apply it on the skin and leave it on for 30 minutes before washing it off with water. You can do this process at least thrice a week. It helps exfoliate the skin, remove dark patches, and encourage cell renewal.

Papaya contains papain, which has great exfoliating properties. It helps to break down dead skin cells and helps encourage new cell growth. This works to treat skin pigmentation issues. Mash some papaya and apply it to the affected areas. It is an excellent home remedy to help treat sunburns and tanning. It also helps get rid of pigmentation on the face and improves skin condition.

Apple cider vinegar
Mix apple cider vinegar with water and apply the solution to the affected areas. Leave it for around 5 minutes before washing it off with water. You can do this at least twice daily till you see noticeable results. Apple cider vinegar has astringent properties and works naturally to make the skin bright and supplier.

Lemon juice
Another home remedy for skin pigmentation is directly rubbing lemon juice on the face. If your skin is very sensitive, you can dilute the lemon juice with water and apply it. Lemon contains natural bleaching properties and is also an excellent source of vitamin C, which helps protect the skin from the sun’s harmful rays and helps lessen dark spots.

Cut an onion and rub it on the affected areas. Let the juice remain on the skin for 10 minutes before washing off with water. Onions are an excellent source of vitamin C, an effective antioxidant that works to treat skin pigmentation.

Mix some sandalwood and water to form a thick paste. Apply the paste on the affected areas and let it stay there for around 30 minutes. Wash off with water. You can do this at least two times daily to see results. Sandalwood powder is a time-tested remedy for several skin issues. It also helps protect the skin from sun rays.

hyper pigmentation treatment

Almond paste
Soak some almonds overnight. The next day, grind them to a paste. Add a few drops of lemon juice and a teaspoon of honey to it and mix well. Apply the paste to the affected areas. You can leave it overnight and wash off the following morning. You can do this every night for a couple of weeks. Almonds are rich in vitamin E, making them a great home remedy for skin pigmentation.

Mash a ripe banana. Add a teaspoon of milk and honey and make a thick paste. Apply on the affected areas of the skin. Let it remain for 30 minutes before washing off with warm water. Do this process at least twice a week to see positive results. Banana is a natural exfoliator and is one of the best home remedies for skin pigmentation.

Mash an avocado to form a smooth paste. Apply it on the skin. Leave it for around 30 minutes and wash off with lukewarm water. Do this two times daily for a month to see noticeable results. Avocados contain oleic acid and Vitamin-C, making them an excellent remedy for skin pigmentation. It also helps to nourish the skin from the inside.

If you are wondering how hyperpigmentation treatment for the face works, follow these home remedies to see the results. These home remedies can help treat the condition and achieve a good complexion.

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