5 Tips to Improve Digestive System

Many of us face common digestive troubles like constipation, flatulence, bloating, and irregular bowel movements. These not only disturb our life but also hamper our efficiency and productivity. Not to mention that they can be embarrassing and a blow to the self-esteem. Regular occurrence of these common problems can transform into major ailments over the long period of time. However, by adopting a few changes in our routine lives, like changing the eating pattern, and by consuming certain home medicines for the digestive system, can mitigate and control the troubles that occur due to the unhealthy digestive system.

Here you get the access to know the best 5 tips to improve the Digestive System:



It helps in two ways – one by adding roughage to our meal which reduces constipation. It adds volume to our stool; and secondly, fibers act as probiotics (the so-called good bacteria) whose presence in intestines enhances the digestive system working. Also, fiber controls hunger and breaks the craving for snacks.



The best way to have a strong digestive system is to chew food properly before swallowing as the digestion process is initiated in the mouth itself. The saliva breaks food morsels in the mouth, so as to reduce the pressures on the stomach.

High protein, fewer carbohydrates, and low sugar breakfast are generally consumed within one hour of waking. It could be a combination of oatmeal, fresh fruits, and vegetables. Lunch should be taken within 4-5 hours of breakfast with a combination of lean protein, fats, carbohydrates. Dinner should ideally be done 3-4 hours before hitting the bed. Eating closer to bedtime increases sugar level and insulin in the body which affects sleep quality. The last meal of the day (i.e. dinner) should be the lightest. Follow the saying: ‘Breakfast like a king, lunch like a man, and dinner like a pauper.’

You can have two snacks during the day with low calories. Don’t forget to maintain well-space between the two meals – one after breakfast and another after lunch.

  • Fig: it acts as a lubricant for an easy bowel movement.
  • Cumin seeds: act as antimicrobial which reduces tenderness of the intestine
  • Bananas: they have a high level of potassium and magnesium which relieve muscular pain and cramps
  • Coconut water: have high levels of potassium, low sugar which provides relief from dehydration and muscle cramps. 1 to 2 glass of coconut water can be consumed in a day.
  • Apple cider/vinegar: it has an acidic base, and can be consumed 1-2 teaspoons, diluted in water, before meals. It increases the secretion of juices in the stomach for proper digestion.
  • Lemon: lime soda, lemon, and salt in hot water after meals, are old ways to relax stomach from gastric troubles and indigestion.
  • Baking soda in hot water also relieves from bloating and flatulence

Also Read: How to Manage Digestive Problems?

  • Wind relieving yoga: lie down on your back and pull your right knee to your chest along with left leg landed close to the floor. And then repeat with another leg.
  • Cat cow yoga: it is basically connected with breath. Start with hands and knees in a tabletop position. As you inhale pull your stomach out and chest towards the sky. And when you exhale pull your stomach inwards and the chin to your chest.

Yoga helps to keep your muscles flexible and allows an adequate amount of oxygen flow to vital organs of the body, which overall improves our health including digestion.

Eat healthily, drink plenty of water and healthy fluids, and exercise regularly to stay away from digestive troubles and improve your digestive health. However, if they persist longer, do consult a doctor.