Best Foods That Reduce The Development Of Acne On The Skin

When it comes to acne formation, people believe that chocolate and fried foods are the main culprits. If you too think the same, then it is finally time to change your thought. This is actually the biggest myth about acne, and the only thing these foods can actually do is raise blood cholesterol levels.

What Causes Acne?

Hormonal changes can majorly contribute to acne formation. Stress and poor lifestyle can also have a great impact on acne production, so it is important to learn stress management techniques and incorporate into your daily routine to avoid breakouts. But you may be thinking why many times these annoying zits manage to pop even when everything is going well, and you are happy? According to experts, stress is not always the main contributing factor, rather change in eating habits, sleeping routine or even not taking proper skin care can give rise to acne formation. In addition to the expert suggestion, physical and psychological stress are the two types of stress can be the reason behind the changes in the appearance of your facial skin. When you are stressed, your body releases a stress hormone called cortisol, which can cause an acne breakout. A poor diet can also have a great impact  on the quality of our skin. Foods that tend to increase blood sugar levels, which force our body to produce extra insulin hormones, which in turn increase the production of stress  hormones. To be on the safe side, make sure that you are eating a healthy diet irrespective of the seasons. You have skin as the largest organ in your body. Hydrate your body by drinking enough water. Many people do not drink water in the winter season as much as their body requires which can be an obvious reason for acne breakouts. In severe cases, one can buy acne products online to control the condition. You may get the best acne medication online from

Also Read: Top 5 Reasons Why Your Acne Keeps Coming Back!

What Helps Acne?

Are there certain foods that can protect yours from acne? The answer is yes! Based on research, we have accumulated some foods that may help to prevent frequent acne breakouts or to get rid of acne:

  • Fatty Fish- Tuna, salmon, and sardines are all good pic when your body needs omega 3 fatty acids. Eating these essential fatty acids can help reduce inflammation and acne breakouts. These healthy fatty acids are known as the building blocks our body cells. They support our skin to make new healthy cells and improve the skin’s appearance. There is evidence that shows fish oil improves the complexion of people with moderate to severe acne by controlling the inflammation.
  • Cashews- Research studies link the deficiency of zinc with acne formation. Cashews are a good source of zinc, which has anti-inflammatory and immune boosting properties. So a handful of cashew is necessary for the reduction of acne. Other sources of zinc are lobster, oysters, and beef.
  • Avocados- Rich in vitamin E, avocado is not just a tasty green fruit, but can also increase your skin’s vitality. It also contains vitamin C which reduces skin inflammation moisturizes the skin.
  • Fennel- By eating fennel, you can naturally cleanse your skin. It can improve digestion and allow toxins to flush out of the body, making your skin clean and healthy.
  • Red Grapes- These are the great source of powerful antioxidants. Both the fruit and the seed have been shown to reduce the severity of skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. Grapes can also be helpful in controlling the side effects of allergic reactions on the skin
  • Garlic- Another food to be added to the list of foods that helps prevent acne. It contains allicin, a chemical that helps destroy harmful bacteria and viruses in the body.


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