Some common symptoms of Menopause

Menopause can be a distressing time for most women. There are several symptoms of menopause that can affect the different aspects of a woman’s life. 

Most women experience varied symptoms during menopause. These can range from mild to severe. Here are some of the menopausal symptoms.

Some common symptoms of Menopause

Hot flashes
Also referred to as hot flushes, it is a sudden sensation of heat or warmth that spreads all over the body. The experience can range from mild flushes to a sensation of engulfing flames. It is caused due to the reaction of the body towards a reduced supply of estrogen hormone, which happens naturally when a woman approaches menopause. A majority of women experience hot flashes though not all suffer from it.

Night sweats
Night sweats are severe hot flashes that happen while sleeping and is accompanied by severe sweating. Night-time sweating can range from mild to intense. It can be due to a combination of environmental factors and hormonal imbalance. For some women, night sweats may disturb sleep and lead to increased stress and irritability during day time. Some night sweats can be the result of some other medical conditions. It is therefore important to get to the root cause of the problem while seeking treatments.

Irregular periods
Irregular periods is one of the common menopausal symptoms. The menstrual cycle may start early or later than scheduled and may be heavier or lighter than normal. Also, it can happen briefly or go on for an eternity. Menstrual irregularity is common for a woman in her mid-40s; the most likely reason being hormonal imbalance, which is caused by reduced levels of estrogen and progesterone. It can also be due to other medical issues.

Reduced libido
Most menopausal women face a dip in sexual desire; the main cause for this is hormonal imbalance. It can also be due to depression, vaginal dryness or even by prescription drugs including medicines that are prescribed to treat menopause symptoms.

Vaginal dryness
Vaginal dryness is when the usual soft and moist feeling of the lining of the vagina gives way to irritation and itchiness. When there is a drop in the estrogen levels at the time of perimenopause, the vaginal tissues become thinner, less elastic and drier. The lack of lubrication can make sex uncomfortable and can produce a dry, itchy and irritated sensation.

Mood swings
It is very common for menopausal woman to experience the roller coaster of emotions. Mood swings can be intense and sudden. It is the result of a dip in estrogen production levels.

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Many menopausal women suffer from a persistent tiredness and low energy levels. It is one of the common symptoms of menopause. Some other aspects of fatigue may include low attention span and irritably. Chronic fatigue can have a disturbing effect on a woman’s life affecting all areas of her life.

Hair loss
Hair thinning or hair loss can be attributed to estrogen deficiency. Hair follicles require estrogen to sustain hair growth. The loss of hair can be gradual or sudden. Also, hair may become more brittle and fall off while brushing or washing.

Sleep issues
Having trouble falling asleep and waking up several times during the day and insomnia are common sleep disorders during menopause.

Concentration problems
Several women are alarmed to find that they are having trouble remembering things or having difficulty focusing. This can impact their lives severely. While reduced estrogen levels is one of the main reasons behind this, sleep disorders can also contribute to this problem.

Sometimes menopausal women may experience a giddy sensation accompanied by a feeling of unsteadiness while standing or walking. This can last for just a few seconds, but can leave a woman feeling confused for quite some time.

Weight gain Weight gain especially around the waist is a common menopausal symptom. This is again attributed to changing hormonal levels.

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This generally happens when the bladder muscles fail to work well. It can be quite embarrassing and worrying for women who go through this. However, there are practical treatments to take care of this problem.

While most women suffer from bloating as part of PMS, it is one of the common menopausal symptoms as well. It is characterised by a tight feeling in the stomach and a swollen belly. Each woman experiences bloating differently and it can last for varying lengths of time. However, if it is persistent, it is best to consult a doctor.

Hormonal changes at the time of menopause can cause allergies to increase. Some women experienced heightened sensitivity to allergies while others may suddenly become allergic to something.

These are some of the common symptoms of menopause, which can range from mild to severe. Consult your doctor if you any symptom is affecting your life.

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