The Eyelash Myths, One Must Stop Believing

The eyes and expressions of the celebs can mesmerize anyone. Their eyelashes are maintained so beautifully that we believe they take extra care of their lashes. However, it is not so in all cases; it is just a myth regarding eyelashes. It is not too difficult to achieve longer and fuller eyelashes if you use the right products for the duration. Experts recommend Careprost eyelash growth solution, which has proven to be very effective in improving the health of lashes within a few weeks.

Eyelashes can be grown easily:

The eyes are one of the most important parts of our body and personality; good-looking eyelashes can add a panache. Many women search for how to make their eyelashes longer, fuller, and thicker, thinking it takes a lot of effort to find that. Making longer and thicker eyelashes is not so difficult using a product like Careprost Eye Drops. This solution uses bimatoprost as an active ingredient that can treat glaucoma and reduce intra-ocular pressure. The growth of eyelashes is a result of its side effects. Today, it is easy to buy Careprost online at an affordable cost.

Myths regarding the growth of eyelashes:

When it comes to growing longer eyelashes, you will find a vast range of information and resources on the internet that often suggest tips for eyelash growth and advise on what’s good or what isn’t good for them. But how can we separate facts from fiction?

Here, we have assembled some of the most common eyelash growth myths you will easily find online. Different people have different perceptions about it. Together, we will learn the truth behind each myth and briefly explain why it is not worth listening to.

Some common myths that one must stop believing.

Myth 1: Herbal oils can grow eyelashes

Many believe herbal oils miraculously affect the lashes and can grow your eyelashes within days. Indeed, natural oils like castor oil, coconut oil, and mustard oil can improve the health of eyelashes. Such oils help in hair growth, but their effectiveness in the growth of eyelashes is highly exaggerated. Although natural oils can stimulate blood circulation to promote hair growth, there is no clinical evidence to corroborate their effectiveness in the growth of eyelashes in the same manner. If you are uncomfortable using medicinal-based products, you can try using natural oils; it may take longer to deliver results. You can use Careprost eyelash growth liquid solution when you find no luck with natural oils. Careprost serum stimulates the growth of eyelashes and makes them fuller and thicker at a faster pace than herbal oils.

Myth 2: Petroleum jelly can make lashes thicker

Usually, cosmetic beauty products enhance your looks, and some people think these products can help hair grow faster, so they are fine for the lashes, too. Fairness creams are for the skin only; their application on lashes is ineffective. Whether it is petroleum jelly or herbal skin cream, it only penetrates the skin and works on the hair follicles but cannot promote hair growth.

Myth 3: Curling of lashes helpful for growth

Regular curling eyelashes and straining them with a brush cannot help make them look fuller; this practice has nothing to do with their growth. Brushing and combing of eyelashes are a common practice to maintain neat and sparkly hair. For the growth of eyelashes, you need to use an effective product to achieve the desired results.

longer eyelashes - ADC

Myth 4: Trim lashes to grow them faster

Some think trimming lashes helps them grow faster, but this is a myth. The pruning of lashes is not linked to their growth, and it does not even treat the problem of split ends. You can use the Careprost eyelash growth liquid solution to make them thicker, fuller, and longer. Use this solution under a doctor’s prescription and know its benefits and side effects before using.

Myth 5. Long-term usage of lash serums worsens eyelashes

Almost every beauty enhancement product, whether it’s makeup, nail paints, or eyelash serums, has a warning saying that it could worsen things in the long run. But is it true? Well, no, this is a myth. Hair follicles are believed to be the fastest-growing cells in the human body, which means hair follicles’ life cycle is short, and to maintain the desired effects, you need to keep using the eyelash serum. So, the myth that they tend to worsen lashes with term usage, especially on lash serum discontinuation, comes from the fact that they make your lashes return to normal. Moreover, with regular lash serum usage, you become used to how your lashes appear, which becomes awful on discontinuation. Knowing this lets you happily keep using your authentic and quality eyelash serum for as long as you wish; your lashes will look perfect.

Myth 6. Falling eyelashes could be an indication of illness

The eyelash growth cycle involves three phases (anagen, catagen, and telogen) representing the specific life stage of an eyelash that will fall out for sure. Well, we tend to lose around two or three eyelashes every day. This is normal and part of the eyelash growth cycle; the old eyelash needs to be replaced by a new one. The tiny hair sticks to the eyelids from a few weeks to two months and differs from one individual to another. So, if you think your lashes are excessively falling off, you must closely watch them. Using an eyelash growth formulation or taking supplements may be required to enhance eyelash health. Your body may be providing you with an indication of vitamin and mineral deficiency.

Beauty myths have been passed on for ages, and new ones have been kept. What’s important is that whatever you do to grow eyelashes should be done systematically. Avoid using suspicious formulations or dangerous techniques for your skin and hair. Consult a doctor to understand and identify the best products that suit your requirements.

Also Read: Few Natural Hacks to Grow Eyelashes Faster

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