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Fight Spam


  • E-mail spam, also known as "bulk e-mail" or "junk e-mail," is a subset of spam that involves nearly identical messages sent to numerous recipients by e-mail. A common synonym for spam is unsolicited bulk e-mail (UBE). Definitions of spam usually include the aspects that e-mail is unsolicited and sent in bulk. (Source: Internet, url: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E-mail_spam, Retrieved on 18-Aug-2008)
  • AllDayChemist since its inception has never supported spam. We (as a company policy) never believe in sending out any spam messages. If you are receiving spam, we recommend that you install spam-filters such as :
  • Spam-filters (such as Google's Postini) have various plans from US$ 3.00 - US$ 35.00. In our endeavour against spam practices, our management has decided to take the tab for the subscription fees by giving you free medications for the amount in your next order with us. Just inform us when you place your next order by e-mail at info@alldaychemist.com or by filling our Contact Us form.


E-mail spam, also known as "bulk e-mail" or "junk e-mail," is a subset of spam that involves nearly identical messages sent to numerous recipients by e-mail. A common synonym for spam is unsolicited bulk e-mail (UBE). Definitions of spam usually include the aspects that e-mail is unsolicited and sent in bulk. (Source: Internet, url: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E-mail_spam , Retrieved on 18-Aug-2008)

  • Email Fight Club - Avoiding Spam, Spyware, Scams And Cookie Hunters.

    Follow these 10 common sense suggestions to avoid email trouble :

    1. 1. Suspect Everyone

      Most unsolicited email is harmless junk from someone just hoping to make a sale or generate a list. However, there are some unscrupulous players out there ( You know...the one with the rich uncle that just died in Nigeria) that are trying to scam you. Never reply to these unsolicited emails. Even "unsubscribe" will alert the senders that your email address is being used. If it looks to be of interest and they list a web site, type it into your browser to check it out.

    2. 2. "Just Say No" to Porn"

      You know where the bad stuff comes from, so filter it out. Messaging software filtering tools will reject mail from your frequent spammers' email addresses, or with certain words ("sex", "porn", or "free meds", for example) in the subject line. It's easy to set up. Just log on to your email, click on "settings" and follow the directions.

    3. 3. Avoid SPAM - It's Nasty

      Almost every Internet Service Provider has a spam blocker these days. If yours doesn't (you should probably switch), there are several good third party spam blocking services such as Brightmail (http://www.brightmail.com) or Google's Postini (http://www.postini.com). We have several email accounts, and for information, we note how much email gets tossed into the spam folder every day. Typically, it averages around 2500 - 3000 per account. We run a couple of Internet businesses, so that number is quite a bit above average for a single user. We do however, thank the geeks that developed spam blocking every day.

    4. 4. Join Users Anonymous

      Unless you are involved in Internet Commerce of some sort (and want as much exposure as possible), you should pull your listings from the large directory services. You probably never (knowingly) signed up in the first place, but chances are, your email address is included in some large data bases. Directories such as Bigfoot, Infospace, Switchboard, Yahoo People Search, and Who where are good about taking your listing down if you ask them to.

    5. 5. Scramble Your Eggs

      Encrypt and digitally sign all your sensitive email messages. This is a bit of a pain, but you only need to get burnt once to know how important it is. If your messaging software doesn't support robust encryption, you can use ReadNotify (http://www.readnotify.com) or download PGP Freeware encryption software at http://web.mit.edu/network/pgp.html. Most messaging systems have industry standard encryption capability. If you are like us, you probably just never cared to notice.

    6. 6. Use Zip-Locks

      Zip and Encrypt important attachments. Most modern computers come with WinZip installed. If you don't have it, you can find it at (http://www.winzip.com). Easy to use software that will compress and password protect your attachments.

    7. 7. Don't Eat the Cookies

      Cookies are trackers that remember your IP address. They are convenient for sites that you use often and don't want to go through the entire validation process. However, some evil-doers will send you email with a sort of "cookie collector" to snag your info. Problem here is you might already be a goner before you realize it's a bogus email (especially if you neglect suggestion 3). To avoid cookies sent via email, use email client software, such as Eudora Pro, that lets you shut off its automatic Web Browser rendering engine. This step is a little hard core for the average Joe, but those of you who need it know who you are.

    8. 8. Mind Your Own Business

      Avoid using your browser to read email on someone else's machine. If you are a busy body and insist on snooping, ALWAYS use "Clear History" when you finish to prevent subsequent users from getting into your mailbox.

    9. 9. Never get "Personal" at work

      Violation of this simple rule gets more people burned than any other act of defiance in the modern workplace. We had quite the network of great videos (You know the kind I mean) and jokes floating around the LAN on the last ship I sailed in...until one of the Server IT people showed me what they can spy on. Trust us--BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING! Never send sensitive personal messages on your work machine.

    10. 10. Let Norton Cook

      This is just so basic that you probably SHOULD be burned if you blow this one. Keep your anti virus software updated. We know it sucks when it is time to pay again; especially when you haven't had a problem for two years...but paying for those routine updates is probably why you haven't. If your hard drive fried today, would you pay someone 30 bucks to make it all better right this instant? Thought so--Update it!

  • And the # 1 Rule of Fight Club is...

    ...........NEVER EVER under any circumstances EVER EVER leave your email logged on and your desk unoccupied at work! If you do, you have no one to blame but yourself. A co-worker's open email account is fair game--and it's "Take no Prisoners" time!

    Well, that's it. A few basic do's and don'ts that will keep you in the fight and keep you out of trouble.

"Phishing" is also commonly known as "carding" or "spoofing" is an attempt made for acquiring some sensitive and confidential information such as email addresses, Usernames, passwords, your bank account information and password or credit card information by masking or pretending as a legitimate and trustworthy entity but they are not.

 For a safe side follow a rule of never sending any sensitive information like username, password. Credit card information, bank account details through an email unless and until that the recipient are legitimate as they claim to be. Most of the Companies mention in their polices that they will never ask for any sensitive information from their customers through email.

 In case you receive an email for which you are not too sure whether it is a valid, then below are mentioned some tips that can help you determining its legitimacy.

 To Find out who the email is really from:

To locate from where message has originally generated you will have to view Email headers. Follow the below steps to see complete Email Headers.

  • In yahoo you can find the option of view email header under actions option.
  • In Gmail if you receive actual email (not forwarded) then open email and on right side menu select "show Original" it will open new window where you get RAW email data with full header (showing email origin and routing IP)
  • For viewing the internet headers in Outlook.
    • Method #1: Right-click the message in the folder view, then choose Options.
    • Method #2: In an open message, choose View | Options.

A typical email header will display several lines beginning with "Received." Note the last "Received" line; will look something like this:

Received from genericname.org (

In case the "Received from" information do not match the email address of the sender or of the company which is being represented in the email, this usually refers that the message did not truly come from that particular individual or company.

Be cautious of links in the email:

Most common phishing technique that is used is to send emails having links of the website that look like legitimate link but they are not. However when closely inspecting the link will actually take you to the website that has nothing to do with the company the email suppose to be coming from It may also happen that the resulting website of the link may be the similar to the Company they are pretending to be sent from.

Mails can also help you in identifying these types of links. Simply put your mouse over but make sure you don't click any link in an email, and you will notice a pop-up will appear that will display you the actual URL the link will take you too. For an example see below image.

This clearly shows that visible link and the real link do not match. If this is the case then it gives a clear indication that this is a phishing email

 To check that the website you're accessing is legitimate:

In case you thing that URL is legitimate and authentic and you have clicked on the same then also you can check the authenticity of the website. With browsers like Safari 4, Firefox 3.5, and Internet Explorer 8 show company name in green color only if the website has Extended Validation (EV) Certificate or SSL certificate which show it's a Legitimate and authentic website business.

 Note the email greeting

Usually Phishing emails start with generic phrases like "Dear valued customer" or with your email account name, such as "Dear katty335," instead of your first name ("Dear Katherine" for example). Many of the authentic companies mention your first name in their correspondence because companies will have all the details in their records (if you've already shopped with them before).

The message arrived at a different email address than the one you gave the sender

In case the sender has sent the message on the Email address that you have not mentioned while dealing with that company, this is also an indication that message is not authentic. You can also verify which email Id Company has in its record by visiting the website but do make sure that you visit the original website.

Keep previous history in mind

If you have previous dealings with a Company then you can compare the message for which you have doubts in your mind. In case you have no previous interactions with a company and you receive an email requesting account information or some confidential detail then it might be an attempt at phishing. Again make sure that you do not send any confidential information through mail if you have any doubt or second thoughts.

Never provide personal account information through email

In case you receive any unsolicited email asking for personal information or confidential information, make sure that you do not provide any information without checking with the company that is asking for the information in personnel. Do not open any links on the message or do not reply to the message. Instead for cross verification visit the company’s original website and find contact information for contacting with the company regarding the issue. Most of the companies appreciate being notified for these kinds of fraudulent attempts

Be cautious of attachments

In case you receive any attachment through mail that's not trustworthy do not open the same. First contact with the company directly to verify contents present in the attachment.


There stand several possible reasons of receiving Spam mails which are described as unsolicited bulk email. Know more about these Spam mails and learn how to deal with these unsolicited messages.


There are Spammers who circulate lists of addresses and sell them to third party vendors. Incase your address is present on the list it's passed on and distributed to many others

Generated list

Spammers make use of an application that can guess addresses. Most Common guesses are such as your first name only, business type and professional usernames which are combination of first initial and last name and some of the most popular nicknames are the most popular addresses.

Spammers make use of an application that can guess addresses. Most Common guesses are such as your first name only, business type and professional usernames which are combination of first initial and last name and some of the most popular nicknames are the most popular addresses.

Signing up for services

There are services that sell the email address you might have given them for use in other services. If this is the case then it is very usual that you will start getting spam mails from various other sources.

  • Disclosure in a public forum

In case you've mentioned your email address in a webpage that is publicly available, it could be copied from there and used form sending mass spam mails.

Following are some of the basic points that you can follow to deal with these unwanted messages:

  • Turn on Junk Mail filtering option in the mail you are using. You can also mar the mail as Junk and move it to the Junk Folder in the mail.
  • Contact the mail administrator

    You can also consult with the administrator of the domain from which are receiving spam mails. It is usually that spamming is a violation of the Internet service provider's (ISP) Acceptable Use Policy. Report the issues of Spam mail to the administrators of All Day Chemist by sending an Email and do make sure that while sending complain regarding any spam, do mention complete header of the source message headers at info@alldaychemist.com . Our Administrator will examine the Email header and once proved to be spam; the message will be a filtered at our server end and will not be reaching your mail box.

While contacting an administrator, make sure that you are sending the full source headers attached with the full message. The simplest way of sending an administrator full source headers is forward the complete message as an attachment.

Please follow the below steps in your mail:

  1. While viewing the message, select Forward as Attachment in the Message menu.
  2. Send the message to info@alldaychemist.com.
  3. Do, send the message to abuse@domain address; replace "domain address" with the domain from which you are getting the spam. For example, if the spam message came from spammail.com, you are supposed to send the message at abuse@ spammail.com.

For Microsoft Outlook 2003 or 2007 following are the steps for forwarding the message as an attachment; In case you are using a different mail client, kindly consult the documentation for your software.

  1. Go to Options in the Tools menu.
  2. In the Options window, under the Preferences tab click on Email Options.
  3. In the Email Options window, under the "On replies and forwards" section, make a note of the current setting, then change the setting for "When forwarding a message" to "Attach original message."
  4. Click OK.
  5. Select the message you would like to forward as an attachment and choose forward. The message will then be sent as an attachment.

Follow the below steps to if you would like to return Outlook's forwarding feature to its default behavior

  1. Choose Options from the Tools menu.
  2. In the Options window, under the Preferences tab click on Email Options
  3. In the Email Options window, under the "On replies and forwards" section, change the setting for "When forwarding a message" back to the original setting you noted earlier. (This will most likely be "Include original message text").
  4. Click OK.
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